The absence of enzymes in modern dairy products exists by definition: milk is pronounced ‘pasteurized’ only when all the enzymes have been removed by heating. From pasteurized milk we then get butter, ice cream, cheese, yoghurt, and milk chocolate. Problem is, all these foods can’t be digested. Undigested food goes all over the body and causes chronic low-grade inflammation. And blockages. That is why holistic nutritionists generally agree that milk is the #1 cause of allergies. Don’t believe it? Take away all dairy for 60 days from the allergy or asthmatic patient. The operative word here is all. See what happens to the allergies. (Allergies: The Threshold of Reactivity)
Yes I know what you’re thinking – where will we get our calcium from then? Big surprise: milk is not a good source of calcium because the enzyme phosphatase, which is necessary to absorb calcium, was destroyed by pasteurization. (Douglass) The only reason we think we need milk for calcium is that we’ve heard it all our lives – on TV, in school nutrition programs, from dieticians. But guess who paid for all that advertising and promotion?
Starting way back in the 1950s, the American Dairy Association spent millions providing ‘educational’ materials for American grade schools in which dairy products are presented as one of the Four Food Groups. This never had anything to do with science – this is marketing. There’s no such thing as the four food groups. They made it up! (McDougall)
So, as for the calcium requirements of children:
” … pasteurized milk is incapable of rebuilding or maintaining bones and teeth.”
- Royal Lee, 1955
And as for digestion:
” commercially modified milk and baby foods are all foreign to the baby’s liver digestion and may produce diarrhea, milk allergies, and constipation.”
- H. Bieler, 1965
It is not just Africans who have lactose intolerance – all humans have lactose intolerance when it comes to pasteurized milk. But it’s still a word game: lactose is milk sugar. We’re not allergic to milk sugar; we’re allergic to milk. No enzymes = junk food. (Twogood) Milk is a junkfood. Think your baby needs it? Think again. Pasteurized cow’s milk is sensitizing your baby to an unnatural non-food allergenic protein. Consider this: man is the only animal who figured out how to remove enzymes from milk
For the whole story on milk, read Twogood’s No Milk and Dr Ron Schmid’s The Untold Story of Milk. Also see the pediatrician chapter.
Milk is a very common example of an artificial, manmade food about which a century of advertising has created the illusion of a healthy staple.
The same ideas apply to other processed foods. That means one that has been devitalized by the food industry by removing all the enzymes. Problem is, only the enzymes made it a living complex in the first place.
The above comments about milk refer only to pasteurized milk. Raw milk from cows living in a natural mineral-rich environment is another story. Dr. Price thoroughly documents the health of Swiss Alpine villagers, isolated from processed foods. Some of these healthy people lived on a
diet centered around raw butter and raw cheese, from cows and goats. Their health was far better than most of ours today. The point is that natural, unprocessed, unpasteurized dairy products could be a superlative nutritional staple, because it is loaded with the fat soluble vitamins A, D, and E, minerals and enzymes.
What destroys milk is civilization: killing the enzymes by heat, adding antibiotics and hormones to the cows’ diet, keeping the cows in a mineral deficient environment, and artificially preparing it for long periods of storage. (Price)
Let’s talk about the food we eat. Now most of us know what we should eat. But when it actually comes down to it, which it does several times a day, many of us simply eat food that “we’re hungry for.” We can’t really be blamed for this, right? Billions of dollars are spent conditioning us about what we should feel hungry for. Look at TV, billboards, radio, newspapers – what are we constantly assaulted with? Images of burgers, fries, ice cream, chips, Pepsi, candy, donuts, milk, cheese, MGD, etc. Just hearing these words makes our Pavlovian mouths water. These are the best poisons ever made. Not only do they contain little or no nutrient content; even if they did there’s almost no chance of our getting to it
because these foods have no enzymes in them. All those were taken out during processing. Therefore the entire burden of digestion is placed on our body’s own enzymes. Foods are being broken down only partially, or not at all, by our own digestive enzymes, because many foods are so foreign, so processed, have so many chemicals and preservatives, and are so new to the human race that they overstress our body’s ability to metabolize them.
Natural and raw foods contain nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. Processed food can be described as devitalized – not much in there we can use. The ‘foods of commerce’ are made to be sold, to last on the shelf a long time. This has nothing to do with human nutrition.
So what happens to all this undigested food? Where does it go? Well, what happens is, a lot goes in, but never comes out. A little vague? The average 35 year old has between 4-22 lbs of undigested food in the intestine alone, even according to the FDA. (Richard Anderson) John Wayne on autopsy was found to have closer to 44 lbs. of it! Elvis was said to have had more than 20 lbs.
As noted above, this rotting debris doesn’t just stay in the intestine, but can make its way intact into the bloodstream, to be deposited in practically any location of the body. Such food is foreign and may cause inflammation in any area where it becomes lodged. Gastroenterologists call the condition Leaky Gut Syndrome. It can be the mechanism for just about any -itis you can think of: arthritis, gastritis, colitis, hepatitis, nephritis, myositis, bursitis, etc. As well as allergies. Such floating debris triggers the immune response. If it’s always there, the body’s always reacting to it. Symptoms of that reaction are:
stuffy nose
blocked sinuses
skin rashes
chronic fatigue syndrome
Reaction to undigested food has been implicated as the cause of over 90% of allergies. (See Allergies: The Threshold of Reactivity) All these conditions usually don’t just pop up for no reason, or because of some genetic tendency. People pretend they’re allergic to dust, pollen, dog hair, cat fur, horse feathers, phases of the moon But why look for an exotic cause when the obvious is staring you in the face? Years of eating food that cannot be broken down has predictable and definite physical consequences. Diet does not affect your health; diet determines your health.
Know anyone taking allergy shots and pills for years who still has allergies every year? Why would the allergist cure them? Job security, Vern. Ten to one the missing piece of the puzzle is enzymes. Try the 60 Day Program.
A very clear chain of events connects enzyme depletion with the aging process: undigested food clogs the digestive tract. The stuck food rots there, and creates toxins and free radicals. Free radicals destroy cells, causing premature aging of tissues. Free radicals attack the cell membrane causing them to shrivel up and dehydrate, and subjecting the DNA to alteration from outside forces. Large undigested molecules seep into the bloodstream from the intestine, gumming up the blood, blocking normal oxygen distribution to the body. Cells are starved, causing premature cell death. This is not even controversial – any pathology text documents Leaky Gut Syndrome, hypertension, and chronically blocked circulation as the result of undigested fats.
Worse yet, much of the immune system depends on circulating white cells. When the blood gets all backed up with undigested sludge, these cells can’t circulate. Result: depressed immune function. Aging.
Fifty years ago embalmers at funeral homes had to prepare the corpse immediately after death because it would soon rot. Today there’s not such a hurry. After a lifetime of preservatives, spices, artificial additives, hydrogenated oils, and hard fats the modern corpse can sit out for a few days without going bad. It’s pickled. As Bieler says, we have effected the mummification of the living. (p 220)
Dr. Howell makes the observation that humans are the only animals who, in their natural environment, live their lives with disease. Think about it: how many human diseases are there in the pathology textbooks? 1000? What other animal in nature gets even 5 diseases? Why? Dr. Howell explains that humans are the only animals that eat processed foods, the only animals who subsist on enzyme-less food:
“All wild creatures get their enzyme supplements in the raw food itself.” – Enzyme Nutrition p7
The saliva of horses and cattle doesn’t even contain enzymes, like ours does. The work of digestion is largely aided by the enzymes in the grass or hay they eat. A whale that had 32 seals in its stomach was found to secrete no digestive enzymes! (Howell) Digestion took place by means of enzymes contained within the seals themselves. Think of the burden this removes from the whale’s digestive system during his lifetime. Or more accurately, since we’re the exception, think of the burden enzymeless food places on our systems. We must expend great quantities of energy producing and maintaining digestive enzymes that Dr. Howell describes as “pathologically rich.” What a waste of energy. At what a price.
Over 60 years ago, France’s finest surgeon noted the ill effects of commercial foods given to pedigreed dogs:
“In successive generations of purebred dogs, nervousness is often observed to increase. This phenomenon occurs in subjects brought up under artificial conditions, living in comfortable kennels, and provided with choice food quite different from that of their ancestors, the shepherds, who fought and defeated the wolves..” – Alexis Carrel, p 106
- Be sure to see Part 5!
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